Multiple breeds sitting on grass with Labrador next to title 25 Breeds Most Compatible with Labradors.

25 Dog Breeds Most Compatible with Labradors

Everyone knows just how friendly and lovable Labradors are, but that does not mean that all other dog breeds are the same. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that other dogs will get on well with your resident Lab. If you are looking for a new dog to join the family, but want to choose a breed that is most likely to get along with your much-loved Labrador, you would do best choosing a dog that is considered a “compatible breed.” Believe it or not, there is quite an extensive list of suitable companion breeds for your Lab and we took the time to investigate it!


Labradors tend to partner easily with most other breeds but we thought we would narrow it down to the top 25. The 25 breeds most compatible with Labradors are (from most compatible to least):

  1. Labrador
  2. Golden Retriever
  3. Airedale
  4. Beagle
  5. Boston Terrier
  6. Bouvier
  7. English Springer Spaniel
  8. French Bulldog
  9. Greyhound
  10. Kerry Blue Terrier
  11. Miniature Schnauzer
  12. Pugs
  13. Saluki
  14. American Cocker Spaniel
  15. Border Collie
  16. Boxers
  17. Dachshund
  18. Dobermann Pinscher
  19. English Cocker Spaniel
  20. German Shepherd
  21. Italian Greyhound
  22. Irish Setter
  23. Miniature Poodle
  24. Great Dane
  25. Schnauzer



Labradors are highly adaptable dogs. As such, you will not have too much trouble introducing them to any other breed of dog. However, in some instances, even the most well-bred Labrador might just be temperamental and not get along with other dogs. Always take your dog’s unique personality into account before adding a new pup to the mix. Of course, the correct training, proper introductions and careful socializing can help most dog breeds cohabitate happily with others. Below we take a closer look at each of the most compatible breeds with Labs and what makes them get along so well.


The 25 Best Breeds to Pair with Your Labrador
(From Most-Compatible to Least)

Let’s explore why each of the above-mentioned breeds will make a good brother or sister for your resident Lab. Here are the top 25 breeds (from most compatible to least) that will best get along with your Labrador. We’ve provided a Compatibility Rating from 1 to 10 for each breed – 10 being the highest.



1. Labradors

LabradorCompatibility Rating: 10

It probably goes without saying that Labradors are most compatible with other Labradors. They just “understand” each other and that makes sense. With similar mindsets, energy levels, and the same need for attention and affection, you should enjoy a harmonious and balanced lifestyle with two Labradors in residence.


The only issue you might face is a bit of jealousy if one dog feels the other is getting more attention/affection. This should be dealt with swiftly. You can keep jealousy at bay with ongoing, consistent training and by setting household ground rules and boundaries. We have two Labs and for the most part, they get along fine.


There was an adjustment period when we brought the new puppy home and sometimes she still annoys her brother, but overall they live together peacefully. We just have to make sure they both get equal attention in order to keep their jealousy at bay.


2. Golden Retrievers

Golden RetrieverCompatibility Rating: 10

Both Golden Retrievers and Labradors were initially bred for hunting, which means that they have quite a bit in common. Their similarities are the reason why they generally get along so well. In terms of temperament, both are outgoing, playful, quick-learning, and friendly. If properly socialized, you should thoroughly enjoy sharing your home with these two breeds.


3. Airedales

airedaleCompatibility Rating: 9

Airedales can introduce some balance to the home environment when paired with a Lab. While your lab will enthusiastically welcome visitors, you may find your Airedale hangs back and is a bit aloof. They are more likely to warn of an intruder than a Lab is. With different attention requirements, jealousy is rarely a problem between a Lab and Airedale. Because of their aloof nature and the fact that they can become boisterous when comfortable in their human family, it is important to train Airedales from an early age. They learn fairly quickly, just like Labs do, so there’s no need to worry about training issues.


4. Beagles

BeagleCompatibility Rating: 9

Both Labradors and Beagles are great family pets. They both do well in a family environment and get along well with children and other pets. Beagles are easy to train and generally quite accepting, much like Labs. As both breeds are bred for hunting, they enjoy being outdoors together and their personalities/temperaments just seem to “click”.


5. Boston Terriers

boston terrierCompatibility Rating: 9

Boston Terriers can be very playful and are known to be quite rough and tumble when it suits them – something your Labrador will truly appreciate. As lively dogs, they are a good mix for families with children. Boston Terriers do not like to be mishandled though, so they are only suited to households with children who know how to carefully handle pets and respect their personal space. You should only get a Boston Terrier if you are willing to train your children how to handle and engage with the family pets.


6. Bouviers

BouvierCompatibility Rating: 9

Bouviers are really big dogs, but they are also calm, gentle, and very easy to train. They are pleasant and loving, which make them a great family pet and a good companion for a resident Labrador. One thing to note is that it is best to get a Bouvier as a pup, if you already have a Labrador, as they tend to get on better with dogs they grow up with or are introduced to at an early age. If you introduce a new dog to a Bouvier that is fully grown, they might be aggressive. Consistent training and correct introduction/socializing are essential.


7. English Springer Spaniels

English Springer SpanielCompatibility Rating: 9

English Springer Spaniels and Labradors make great pals as they are both energetic dogs that love physical exercise and need their humans to interact and engage with them consistently. Both are playful dogs and get along very well with children and other pets. You will find that the English Springer Spaniels have very similar temperaments to Labs, making them great breeds to pair up.


8. French Bulldogs

french bulldogCompatibility Rating: 9

French Bulldogs love spending time with their humans and so do Labradors, so if you are looking for a dog with similar family-oriented traits, the French Bulldog is it. While the French Bulldog is playful, it is not quite as boisterous as a young Labrador. As such, it is best for you to be involved in all engagements in the beginning, until the Frenchie or Lab are a bit older and understand the limitations better. While the French Bulldog does not require quite as much physical activity as the Labrador, it will happily play and bound around.


9. Greyhounds

greyhoundCompatibility Rating: 9

Greyhounds are loving, family-friendly companion dogs, just like Labradors. However, most Greyhounds do not have quite as much energy as a Labrador does. They are better suited to families with kids that are not very active or to families without children. If you are choosing a Greyhound to pair with a resident Labrador and you have kids, make sure that you ask about the personality & temperaments of the greyhound’s parents as some are intolerant of kids and this could cause issues. It is most likely that your Greyhound will get along with kids if both its parents have that trait.


10. Kerry Blue Terriers

Kerry Blue TerrierCompatibility Rating: 9

Kerry Blue Terriers only do very well with other dogs when they grow up with them, so it is best to introduce your new Kerry Blue Terrier to your family and Labrador as early as possible. Socialization and training can ensure a harmonious relationship between your Lab and Kerry Blue Terrier. Labradors are non-aggressive, which suits the Kerry Blue Terrier more than a dog that is potentially aggressive or confrontational. They are great with kids and love to get actively involved, which makes them a good combination with Labradors.
(Photo credit: Martin Hesketh)


11. Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature SchnauzerCompatibility Rating: 9

Miniature Schnauzers are one of the most popular family dogs in the world because they are lively, good with children and get along well with most breeds of dogs. Of course, your unique Schnauzer will have its own personality, so if it does not like kids, it is probably just a personal preference. It is best to introduce the Miniature Schnauzer to your Lab as early on as possible and to take the time to do the right training.


12. Pugs

PugCompatibility Rating: 9

Pugs have a happy, friendly nature. They are just as easy going as Labradors which makes them a perfect match. They will happily get involved in family activities and if you socialize the two pets correctly, you should have no jealousy issues.


13. Salukis

SalukiCompatibility Rating: 9

Salukis are quiet dogs, but they become just as devoted to their human families as Labradors do. They get along very well with Labs in general but may need some consistent training as they have a “chase” characteristic with other pets, and when out and about. While these dogs are highly intelligent like Labs, they can prove stubborn and thus difficult to train. It is important to only get a Saluki if you are willing to put in time and effort into its training.


14. American Cocker Spaniels

American Cocker SpanielCompatibility Rating: 8

A home with an American Cocker Spaniel and a Labrador should be a very happy, friendly home indeed. Both Labs and Cocker Spaniels have stable, balanced temperaments with affectionate, fun and “goofy” natures. They both love to play and are easy to train. Best of all, if you have kids, you can trust both of these breeds with them.


15. Border Collies

Border CollieCompatibility Rating: 8

Many families already pair up Labradors and Border Collies because they are a wonderful combination. Of course, it is not a good idea to have both of these breeds if you do not have the time to dedicate to your pets as both breeds are highly intelligent, active dogs that need daily physical and mental stimulation. Both Border Collies and Labradors are loving, loyal, and affectionate dogs. This is what makes them both very popular family dogs.


16. Boxers

boxerCompatibility Rating: 8

Labradors and boxers get on famously well, depending on their personalities and training, of course. Boxers are energetic dogs that love attention and need daily exercise. Their energy levels are similar to that of a Lab and if the attention is shared between the two, jealousy should not be a concern at all. Boxers enjoy the company of children if they are not harassed or mishandled.


17. Dachshunds

DachshundCompatibility Rating: 8

If your Lab is not too rambunctious, a Dachshund is a very good breed to include as a new family member. While Dachshund’s energy levels can match that of a Lab, it is usually only for a short time. Both Dachshunds and Labs are very friendly, loving, and affectionate which makes them a good combination as family pets as long as the Lab respects when the Dachshund has “had enough”.


18. Dobermann Pinschers

Dobermann PinscherCompatibility Rating: 8

Dobermann Pinschers and Labradors are breeds of dogs from opposite ends of the personality spectrum. While Labradors are specifically chosen as family dogs for their fun and friendly personalities, Dobermann Pinschers are popular guard dogs for their protective, loyal natures. Dobermann Pinschers can be quite selective about which dogs they wish to get along with, so it is best to introduce them to the family and other pets as very young pups. It is also a good idea to get a Dobermann Pinscher that is the opposite sex to the Labrador.


19. English Cocker Spaniels

English Cocker SpanielCompatibility Rating: 8

Both Labradors and English Cocker Spaniels are outgoing dogs with loving, friendly natures. English Cocker Spaniels will fit in easily with your family’s existing exercise routines. Both breeds need quite a bit of attention and exercise, so they are best suited to families that are active. As their energy levels are similar and both are good-natured breeds, they typically cohabitate with little to no problems.


20. German Shepherds

german shepherdCompatibility Rating: 8

German Shepherds and Labradors co-exist very happily together. Most often, when mixed, these breeds get along and play well together even when unsupervised. They have similar intelligence and energy levels. As a result, both will need training to ensure that they do not become destructive together when playing or bored. Both breeds are loyal and devoted to their human family and need lots of attention and affection on a daily basis.


Related: For a more in-depth look into the compatability of Labradors and German Shepherds, you’ll want to check out our article, Can Labradors & German Shepherds Live Together?.


21. Italian Greyhounds

italian greyhoundCompatibility Rating: 8

Italian Greyhounds are fun, friendly dogs if their personal space is respected. Children and other pets that respect them and treat them with care are accepted and played with readily by the Italian Greyhound. Both Italian Greyhounds and Labradors need at least one 1-hour walk (or 2 half-hour walks) each day which means that you will not need to put in any extra effort to ensure both dogs are happy and healthy. If you are looking for dog breeds that are generally easy going with each other, Labradors and Italian Greyhounds are a great place to start.


22. Irish (Red) Setters

Irish SetterCompatibility Rating: 8

Irish (Red) Setters are just as outgoing and friendly with other dogs and people as Labradors are. For many households, Labs and Irish Setters are the perfect pair. They have similar energy levels and both get on very well with children. You will find both the Labrador and Irish Red Setter are patient and caring with children. Both Labs and Irish Setters don’t have their hearts set on following a life in guarding. As such, they do far better as companion dogs. Both are very easy to train and suffer minimal jealousy issues.


23. Miniature Poodles

Miniature PoodleCompatibility Rating: 8

Miniature Poodles are energetic dogs with a fun and friendly nature. They do get along very well with other dogs but tend to get a bit snappy if their personal space is disrespected or if they handled in a rough manner. Most Labradors have a playful yet gentle nature which makes them a good match for a Miniature Poodle. These two breeds typically cohabitate very well.


24. Great Danes

Great DaneCompatibility Rating: 7

Great Danes, aka Gentle Giants, have medium playfulness levels, but the very same need for affection as Labradors. They are typically good with children and get along with other animals if they are correctly introduced and socialized. Some Great Danes can get aggressive with other dogs they do not know, so it is better to get the Great Dane as a pup and bring it up as part of the family. You will not get as much energy and playtime out of a Great Dane, but their gentle and affectionate nature makes them a good pair for Labradors.


25. Schnauzer (Giant and Standard)

Standard schnauzerCompatibility Rating: 7

Schnauzers are friendly dogs in general. They tend to be friendlier with people they know and with pets they have grown up with. Strangers can seem daunting to both the Giant and Standard Schnauzer. Introducing a Schnauzer as a pup to the family should go well. This is because both Labs and Schnauzers are friendly to children, as well as energetic, and affectionate breeds.


While Labs are eager to please and love to cuddle, Schnauzers can be slightly different. They are of course just as willing to please, but do not like to be handled or cuddled too much – they like their space. They have also proven to be slightly more challenging to train and therefore not a great choice for first-time dog owners.


Final Considerations

All of the above-mentioned dogs score between 8 and 10 out of 10 for breeds that are most compatible with Labradors. Labradors are luckily very easy going and loving dogs. The only time you should run into any challenges or problems is when the new breed of dog specifically does not get along with the Lab’s personality and temperament. This can be a problem that is difficult to solve. Otherwise, if a dog is friendly, easy going and accepting of the Lab, there should be little to no problems expected at all.


As a family that has three dogs, two Labs, and a Maltipoo, I can say from experience that it takes time for dogs to get to know each other. Be patient and make sure you oversee their first several interactions together. I also want to mention that before you add another dog to your household make sure you think over everything this addition entails.


Are you ready to spend time playing with, grooming, etc more than one dog? If the dogs are both shedders the hair amounts will increase greatly – are you ready to deal with that? Don’t ever jump into the decision, consider everything carefully. If introduced correctly and well trained your dogs can be great companions to each other, just plan ahead and be patient!